In onze serie over de Moose, vandaag de Nr 1 uit Alaska.
Hieronder het volledige verhaal met toch wel een American End. Toen de eland en het gewei na twee dagen slepen en sleuren eindelijk op het plaatselijke vliegveld was aanbeland, bleek het gewei niet te passen in of uit het vliegtuig. Toen de jager suggereerde om het gewei te splitsen was de piloot verbouwereerd en liet nog liever een ander, groter, vliegtuig komen om de trofee op te halen.
#1 Alaska
Hunter: John A. Crouse
Score: 261 5/8
Year: 1994
Location: Fortymile River, AK
When John Crouse and two friends flew into east-central Alaska, Crouse had made up his mind he would shoot just about any moose he saw. They were on a six-day hunt at the end of August and camped on a ridge when Crouse saw a glint of antler. That day there was the typical Alaska rain and fog, but there was enough visibility to spot this moose in his bed. Crouse waited for it to stand. When it did, the moose took two solid, well-placed shots from Crouse’s .270. That’s right, he killed a world’s record moose with a .270. It took the three men an hour to get it in a position just to be butchered. It then took them two full days to pack it back to camp. When the pilot came to pick it up, the rack wouldn’t fit anywhere in or outside the plane. And get this: Crouse suggested they split the skull to fit the antlers inside. The pilot wouldn’t hear of it and sent for a bigger plane.